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Property Caretaking Services

Owners on vacation and absentee owners with non-rental and rental property

As part of our full service commitment to our clients, Vineyard Caretakers provide various levels of property management to meet every level of need.
Vineyard Caretakers caretaking service is a must for distant owners who choose either to rent or not to rent their home on Martha's Vineyard. As a property management company, our caretaking service is customized to your needs and may include any of the following:

  • Regular property inspections - Scheduled walk-through property inspections checking for maintenance needs and security of your property. If you are renting your property, this includes an inspection on “turnover” day when your home is being vacated by your departing renters, but before your next renter arrives. These inspections will hi-light any visible damage so that appropriate security may be withheld.

  • Verification of valuable inventory - You can select items in your home that you want verified during our property inspections. We will take digital photos of such items and use as a checklist during each visit and inform you immediately of any discrepancies. If requested, we will send you an itemized list of what we check each week that you help us create (For example click this link).

While you are away on vacation or back at your primary residence, Vineyard Caretakers, as your property caretaker, will provide the following caretaking services to meet your needs:

  • Weekly home inspections.
  • Home inspections during “below-freezing” weather conditions.
  • Home inspections after heavy rain or wind storms.
  • Open and close for service providers.
  • Check smoke detector batteries and operation .

After our weekly inspection, you will receive a text message or email indicating our findings.


Servicing the island of Martha's Vineyard


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Vineyard Caretakers

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